Saturday, 25 January 2014

My new year resolutions!

1. Read 100 books- I had recently opened my account in and found this interesting challenge. How many books you wanna read in 2014. I started with 100 books! and since I am a bookworm, maybe, just maybe I got done with it. I really am willing to finish this challenge. Any recommendations are welcome. :)

2. Finishing my first novel- I have been planning this for quite some time now. This year I finally decided to stop researching, planning, outlining, blah,blah,blah  and start writing it. So I have started it and halfway through 1st chapter already.(Okay, I know its not something to brag about but atleast I started) I am planning to get it done this year, but don't know what life has planned for me :P But who knows, maybe I even got published next year. :D

3. Attain a habit for exercise- Its not that I have gotten really fat though, but I think exercise is good for both mental and physical health. So everyone should make some time from their busy routines and give it to themselves. Especially people like me, you have read my habits and future plans (just reading and writing). So you might guess how important it is for me :D

4. Learn cooking and baking- This is relatively new plan. But I think so far it is the most rational.

5. Got rich B) - This is my every year and all time resolution. But man! why is this goal so hard to achieve. :(
Well, thats it. P.S on a side note. I haven't done it before. This new year resolution thing. But this year I had heard and read so much about it, I got bumped up to give it a try. Lets see how it goes :)
You guys also share with me your resolutions in the comment box below, or share it with me in G+  :D
See ya!

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