Thursday, 6 February 2014

Developing a good routine!

Developing it is the most important thing for a starter. I had tried to get some productivity without it and had immensely failed. From last December, its three months now. I have devoted myself and all of my time  to my writing career and I am still lost. This is the lesson I learned the hard way and now sharing with you all.
First of all, keep in mind that success doesn't come overnight. It is a long and dreadful process. With lots of speed-breaker on the way.
Set small goals. Make a daily to-do list. Add these things in it (I won't suggest schedule or timings devoted to one activity, because everyone has changed routine and comfort zone in which one can work) :

  • Make an environment for writing; so that you feel cool and like a pro when working ;)
  • Devote at least one hour for reading; 
  • Meditate and exercise for at least half an hour;
  • Study Grammar on daily basis; this is the hardest but most crucial part of learning to write.
  • Brainstorm;
  • Do a writing prompt;
  • Study writing tutorials; there is enormous amount of resources on the internet.
  • Critique others work ; helps one build a really good sense of pros and cons of writing.
  • Enjoy the process; after all, that's what it is all about.
By starting small and adding all these things in your routine. Slowly but surely, you will get good results.
I have just started, when will you do? Share with me your journey and hardships in such a tiring process called : Getting Started :(

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